Insurance Claim Adjuster Secret Tactics

Headshot of Jeremy Schiowitz
Written by Jeremy Schiowitz

Personal Injury Lawyer at Isaacson, Schiowitz & Korson, LLP.

Over 20 years of experience in Personal Injury.

Graduated from Brooklyn Law School: Juris Doctor, 2003.

When you file an insurance claim in the state of New York, you initiate a complex process that often involves a professional known as a claims adjuster. These adjusters are experts hired by insurance companies to assess the extent of damage and determine the amount of money that should be paid out to you in your New York City car accident claim. Their role is crucial in ensuring that claims are settled fairly, but it is vital to understand the techniques they employ to approach a claim.

Adjusters are trained to safeguard the financial interests of their employers, which are the insurance companies. They utilize a range of methods that might not be immediately apparent to those unfamiliar with the claims process in this state. By employing certain tactics, adjusters can influence the outcome of a claim which can lead to varied compensation offers that may not always reflect your expectations.

Awareness of these tactics can empower you to navigate the claims process more effectively. Knowing what to expect when dealing with an insurance claim adjuster during your New York car accident claim can prepare you for interactions and help you recognize if you’re getting a fair deal. Your understanding of these strategies can prove to be beneficial as you work to achieve a settlement that aligns with your interests.

Understanding the Role of a New York Insurance Claim Adjuster

To effectively navigate the insurance claim process in New York, it’s essential to grasp what an insurance claim adjuster does. Their role significantly impacts your claim’s outcome.

Core Responsibilities

Claim Investigation: Upon filing a claim, an adjuster examines the incident. This involves reviewing police reports from the New York City police or another jurisdiction, interviewing witnesses, and inspecting any property damage.

  • Evaluate Policy Coverage: Adjusters must interpret your policy’s details to determine what’s covered under the circumstances of your claim.
  • Damage Assessment: They assess the extent of the damage. This might include consulting with professionals to estimate repair costs.
  • Claim Valuation: Using collected data gathered about vehicles like yours in the New York area, adjusters estimate the financial value of your claim.
  • Negotiation: Adjusters negotiate settlement terms with the policyholder or a third-party claimant.
  • Finalization: Once an agreement is reached, they coordinate the payment process.

Common Types of Claims

Type of ClaimDescription
PropertyDamage to homes or other assets
AutoVehicle collisions and theft
LiabilityInjuries or damages to third parties
Workers’ CompensationWorkplace injuries or illnesses

Each type introduces unique complexities an adjuster must manage to ensure a fair and efficient resolution of the claim for claimants located in New York City and other areas of the state.

Strategies Employed by Claim Adjusters

New York claim adjusters use a variety of specific strategies to assess, investigate, and negotiate insurance claims. Understanding these techniques can elucidate the adjustment process.

Initial Contact and Investigation

Upon receiving your claim, adjusters will make initial contact to gather facts surrounding the incident. They will collect detailed statements, review New York City police reports, and examine any evidence you provide. It is important for you to be honest and detailed in this stage, as the information collected here forms the foundation of the claims investigation.

Use of Independent Experts

Adjusters may employ independent experts such as medical professionals, engineers, or auto mechanics in the New York area to provide technical evaluations on the validity and value of your claim. These experts analyze the specifics:

  • Medical Claims: Medical experts assess the treatment and costs associated with injuries.
  • Property Damage: Engineers or mechanics evaluate the extent and value of property damage.

Negotiation Tactics

During the negotiation phase, New York insurance adjusters employ a variety of tactics to settle the claim. Examples include:

  • Presenting a low initial offer to set a negotiation baseline.
  • Highlighting aspects of your claim that may be weak or disputable.
  • Encouraging a quick settlement to avoid protracted negotiation.

Denial and Delay Techniques

Adjusters might use denial and delay techniques to minimize payout. Tactics include:

  • Requesting additional paperwork or information as a way to prolong the process.
  • Citing policy exclusions for New York policyholders or claiming insufficient coverage to deny parts of your claim.
  • Insinuating that your claim may be fraudulent to justify investigation extensions.

Contact us if you feel your insurance claims adjuster is trying to stop you from getting the compensation you rightfully deserve in the state of New York. A car accident lawyer can help you understand your legal options.

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